Try adding an extra dose of excitement to your kiss with Vibration. Apply it gently to your lips and kiss your partner intensely.
Our intimate region is highly sensitive, with a large number of nerve endings that can offer innovative and extremely pleasurable sensations. Our liquid vibrator, Vibration, was developed specifically to stimulate these areas, providing an entirely new and exciting intimate experience. When using Vibration, you will be able to explore vibrant and stimulating sensations that will take your pleasure to a completely different level. Allow yourself to experience this new thing and enjoy intense and satisfying moments in your privacy.
What is a liquid vibrator?
A liquid vibrator is a gel that, using natural plants from northeastern Brazil, provides a sensation of vibration when applied to the intimate region. In our line it is known by the name Vibration.
Vibration is an exciting unisex product that offers a unique experience of pleasure. When applied to the intimate region, it provides incredible sensations of vibration, pulsation and heating, taking your moment of intimacy to a new level. Its special components are formulated to offer these sensations for around 30 minutes, ensuring enough time to fully enjoy your experience. Allow yourself to explore completely new and stimulating sensations, making every moment of intimacy unforgettable with Vibration.
Your flavor: In our product line, we offer a variety of flavors for Vibration, including coconut flavor. With Vibration Coconut, you can enjoy the delicious coconut aroma, bringing a touch of fun to your intimate moments. Additionally, Vibration Coconut can be safely used for oral sex, adding an extra dose of pleasure and fun.
Complement: In addition to all these benefits, it is important to highlight that this product is completely vegan, that is, it does not use any ingredients of animal origin in its composition.
How should you use it?
To use Vibration, apply 1 to 2 sprays to the desired intimate area, such as the clitoris, labia, vaginal canal or shaft of the penis. Spread the gel gently until it is completely absorbed into the skin. It is important to remember to test sensitivity before first use, as the product has intense potency and the number of sprays may vary from person to person. Adjust the quantity according to your personal preferences, ensuring a pleasant and comfortable experience.
Who is it suitable for?
For people who want to innovate in their moments of intimacy and are open to feeling new sensations.
Það vilja allir að kynlífstækin endist lengi og vel, og til þess að auka líkurnar á löngum líftíma tækjanna er mjög mikilvægt að hugsa vel um þau, það segir sig sjálft!
Tækin eru notuð á viðkvæm svæði á líkamanum og ekki viljum við eiga hættuna á því að fá sýkingar og því er nauðsynlegt að þrífa tækin rétt og þrífa þau vel eftir hverja notkun.
En hvernig er best að þrífa tækin?
Við þrif skal nota mild, ilmefnalaus hreinsiefni eða sérstök kynlífstækja hreinsiefni til þess að þrífa tækin eftir hverja notkun.
Þú skalt varast það að nota spritt eða önnur fituleysandi efni/sápur til að þrífa tækin þar sem að hætta er á því að það skemmi tækin.
Þegar þú hefur lokið við það að þrífa tækið þitt er mikilvægt að þú komir því fyrir á hreinum stað.
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Opnunartími á virkum dögum: 09:00 - 23:00
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Opnunartími á virkum dögum: 09:00 - 23:00
Opnunartími á Laugardögum: 10:00 - 23:00
Opnunartími á Sunnudögum: 11:00 - 23:00