Considering that approximately 80% of women are unable to reach orgasm due to a lack of knowledge about their bodies and a lack of clitoral sensitivity, INTT has developed an innovative product that has the power to induce orgasm through the exploration of key points and hitherto unknown sensations.
With more than 8,000 nerve endings, the clitoris is an extremely sensitive area. Now, imagine an exciting gel that provides continuous stimulation, allowing you to feel all those nerve endings being activated. With the help of this revolutionary gel, you will be able to discover new sensations, get to know your body better and reach intense and unexplored levels of pleasure. Get ready for a unique and pleasurable experience, thanks to this innovative product from INTT.
What is Orgasm Now?
Orgasm Now is a revolutionary female arouser, equipped with a vibrating tip that provides complete stimulation of the clitoral region, taking women to high levels of pleasure, in addition to an internal gel with the functions of vibrating, pulsing and heating. This product has arrived to transform women's lives, offering discreet and innovative packaging that will be essential in your bag.
With its vibrating tip, Orgasm Now stimulates blood circulation in the clitoris, increasing sensitivity and providing more pleasurable penetration. Furthermore, it is also perfect for oral sex, as it has a smooth and sweet Tutti Frutti flavor, which makes all the difference for the couple.
Functions of the gel that Orgasm Now offers:
- Warm up
- Pulse
- Vibrate
- Lubricate
- Encourage
- Excite
- Sensitize
Orgasm Now is a versatile product that can be used in different situations. You can use it when you have a lack of sexual appetite, want to increase your sexual desire, improve clitoral awareness, tone the vagina with continuous use or even explore your key pleasure points to get to know your body better.
To use the product, follow the following steps:
- Remove the seal located on the ON/OFF button.
- Remove the cap and press the tube to apply a generous amount of gel to the entire clitoral area and internally, in the vaginal canal.
- Turn on the vibrating capsule and make circular movements across the entire region.
- Enjoy all the incredible sensations and welcome to the world of orgasm.
Who is it suitable for?
The product is recommended for women who want to deepen their knowledge of their own bodies and experience new stimuli that facilitate orgasm. When using the product, you will have the opportunity to explore unique sensations and discover new forms of pleasure, promoting a deeper connection with yourself. Allow yourself to experience an enriching and pleasurable experience, while strengthening your relationship with your own body and your sexual pleasure.
Það vilja allir að kynlífstækin endist lengi og vel, og til þess að auka líkurnar á löngum líftíma tækjanna er mjög mikilvægt að hugsa vel um þau, það segir sig sjálft!
Tækin eru notuð á viðkvæm svæði á líkamanum og ekki viljum við eiga hættuna á því að fá sýkingar og því er nauðsynlegt að þrífa tækin rétt og þrífa þau vel eftir hverja notkun.
En hvernig er best að þrífa tækin?
Við þrif skal nota mild, ilmefnalaus hreinsiefni eða sérstök kynlífstækja hreinsiefni til þess að þrífa tækin eftir hverja notkun.
Þú skalt varast það að nota spritt eða önnur fituleysandi efni/sápur til að þrífa tækin þar sem að hætta er á því að það skemmi tækin.
Þegar þú hefur lokið við það að þrífa tækið þitt er mikilvægt að þú komir því fyrir á hreinum stað.
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