We know that everyone has their own preferences and needs when it comes to sexual pleasure. Therefore, it is essential to have products that offer options and possibilities so that women can explore their sexuality freely and fully. And that's exactly what Clit Me On offers: a personalized pleasure journey, designed specifically to stimulate and satisfy the clitoris, one of the most sensitive and erogenous areas of the female body.
Clit Me On is a liquid vibrator specifically for the clitoris that offers a unique and pleasurable experience. It has an icy and vibrant effect, in addition to the irresistible peppermint flavor, this revolutionary product intensifies your intimate pleasure.
Clit Me On was specially formulated to stimulate the clitoris with its intense vibration. When applying the gel to the region, you will feel a vibrant, pulsating sensation that increases blood circulation, making the clitoris even more sensitive and receptive to stimuli.
In addition to vibrant stimulation, Clit Me On has a cooling effect. When applied to the clitoris, the gel releases a freshness that increases sensitivity and intensifies the response to stimuli. This combination of vibration and cold provides an incredible experience and allows you to reach orgasm more easily.
What is a liquid vibrator?
A liquid vibrator is a gel formulated with natural ingredients extracted from plants from northeastern Brazil, which provides a vibrant sensation when applied to the intimate region. We at Intt were the pioneers in bringing this product to the European market.
How should you use it?
Apply 1 to 2 sprays of Clit Me On to your clitoris and labia, spreading well until the gel is absorbed into the skin.
Who is it suitable for?
Clit Me On is a product suitable for women who want to intensify the pleasure and stimulation of the clitoris. It can be used by women who seek new sensations and more intense intimate experiences.
Það vilja allir að kynlífstækin endist lengi og vel, og til þess að auka líkurnar á löngum líftíma tækjanna er mjög mikilvægt að hugsa vel um þau, það segir sig sjálft!
Tækin eru notuð á viðkvæm svæði á líkamanum og ekki viljum við eiga hættuna á því að fá sýkingar og því er nauðsynlegt að þrífa tækin rétt og þrífa þau vel eftir hverja notkun.
En hvernig er best að þrífa tækin?
Við þrif skal nota mild, ilmefnalaus hreinsiefni eða sérstök kynlífstækja hreinsiefni til þess að þrífa tækin eftir hverja notkun.
Þú skalt varast það að nota spritt eða önnur fituleysandi efni/sápur til að þrífa tækin þar sem að hætta er á því að það skemmi tækin.
Þegar þú hefur lokið við það að þrífa tækið þitt er mikilvægt að þú komir því fyrir á hreinum stað.
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