The Satisfyer Partner Box is perfect for couples who want to enjoy exciting adventures together. It includes the Satisfyer Double Joy couple’s vibrator and the Sexy Secret panty vibrator, both of which can be controlled with the Satisfyer Connect app.
Compatible with the free Satisfyer app – available for iOS and Android | |
Made from super soft, skin-friendly medical-grade silicone that is smooth to the touch and extremely hygienic | |
Thanks to its waterproof (IPX7) surface, this sexual wellness device can be safely used in water and is easy to clean |
15-year guarantee | Super strong deep vibration |
Body-friendly silicone | Waterproof (IPX7) |
Can also be used without an app | Editable preset programs |
Endless variety of programs with the app | Whisper mode |
Lithium-ion battery | USB magnetic charging cable included |
Easy to clean |
Satisfyer Partner Box 1: Couple climaxes with app control
The Satisfyer Partner Box 1 is the perfect gift for you and your partner to explore new climaxes together. The exciting box contains both the Double Joy partner vibrator and the Sexy Secret panty vibrator, which will have you both in ecstasy with its hot vibrations. The app control with the free Satisfyer Connect app provides you with functions such as remote control via Bluetooth, music vibes, ambient vibes or a vibration designer. Whether on the go or within your own four walls, the Satisfyer Partner Box 1 will take you on shared adventures full of pleasure.
Satisfyer Double Joy und Sexy Secret
The Satisfyer Double Joy is one of the most popular twosome vibrators and has an impressive U-shaped design that offers intense vibrations in 2 motors. The smaller shaft is also inserted during lovemaking, stimulating both the G-spot and the penis. The larger shaft of the twosome vibrator rests on the clitoris. The high-quality silicone feels particularly pleasant. The portable Sexy Secret panty vibrator ensures fun together away from home: Its ergonomic, shapely form adapts to your curves and make your clitoris tremble with intense, whisper-quiet vibration. Since the discreet panty vibrator is perfect for on the go, it can also be conveniently operated via app control. Both sexual wellness devices are waterproof and can be taken into the shower, pool or bathtub without any worries. The content of the Satisfyer Partner Box 1 has been specially put together by our experts for shared enjoyment. Experience the intense vibrations and abandon yourself completely to twosome adventures.
Upplýsingar af vefsíðu Satisfyer
Það vilja allir að kynlífstækin endist lengi og vel, og til þess að auka líkurnar á löngum líftíma tækjanna er mjög mikilvægt að hugsa vel um þau, það segir sig sjálft!
Tækin eru notuð á viðkvæm svæði á líkamanum og ekki viljum við eiga hættuna á því að fá sýkingar og því er nauðsynlegt að þrífa tækin rétt og þrífa þau vel eftir hverja notkun.
En hvernig er best að þrífa tækin?
Við þrif skal nota mild, ilmefnalaus hreinsiefni eða sérstök kynlífstækja hreinsiefni til þess að þrífa tækin eftir hverja notkun.
Þú skalt varast það að nota spritt eða önnur fituleysandi efni/sápur til að þrífa tækin þar sem að hætta er á því að það skemmi tækin.
Þegar þú hefur lokið við það að þrífa tækið þitt er mikilvægt að þú komir því fyrir á hreinum stað.
Þú getur sótt pöntunina þína samdægurs á höfuðborgarsvæðinu!
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Opnunartími á virkum dögum: 09:00 - 23:00
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Hamraborg 14a, 200 Kópavogur
Söluturninn Póló
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Lágmarksupphæð pöntunar: 3.000kr
Opnunartími á virkum dögum: 09:00 - 23:00
Opnunartími á Laugardögum: 10:00 - 23:00
Opnunartími á Sunnudögum: 11:00 - 23:00