With the Men One you decide on the perfect level of pressure to fulfill your fantasies. Engulf your penis into a soft silicone sleeve with a variety of resistance sensations that inspire you to feel visceral ecstasy and a vast, intense climax.
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Unique pump feature allows you to adjust the tightness to your preference |
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Innovative internal pressure regulator creates a varying suction effect |
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Sleeve made from super-soft cyberskin material |
15 year warranty | Easy to clean |
Innovative inner pressure regulator | With practical cap |
Innovative pump feature for width regulation | Sleeve in super-soft cyberskin material |
Satisfyer Men One The masturbator for men
Gone are the days when the selection of sexual wellness devices for men was limited and the designs were obvious. The Satisfyer Men One is here!
The elegant, black-blue case of this gem is made of solid ABS plastic on the top and bottom and soft, non-slip silicone on the sides. The masturbator, with its sporty lifestyle design, simulates a breathtaking mix of oral and vaginal sex and provides climaxes like never before with its arousing suction effect. Together with an innovative internal pressure regulator you can determine the tightness of your masturbator and stimulate your penis the way you like. Just insert your penis into the soft sleeve made of Cyberskin material and enjoy the exciting feeling of the Men One – no batteries needed. For an even more intense experience, use a Satisfyer lubricant, for example the warming or cooling versions to make your experience a little smoother and more realistic. After you’re done, you can clean the Satisfyer Men One with some soap and lukewarm water or a disinfect sexual wellness device cleaner. The practical closable cap allows you to store the Men One hygienically afterwards.
What other special features does the Satisfyer Men One have?
The Men One not only gives you exciting and realistic orgasms, but also looks modern and stylish. So you don’t have to hide it, and it’s perfectly suited as a gift for a good friend. The purely manual operation and practical cap make it easy to take it with you on your travels - no matter where you are, the Satisfyer Men One is always ready to give you breathtaking pleasure.
Upplýsingar af vefsíðu Satisfyer
Það vilja allir að kynlífstækin endist lengi og vel, og til þess að auka líkurnar á löngum líftíma tækjanna er mjög mikilvægt að hugsa vel um þau, það segir sig sjálft!
Tækin eru notuð á viðkvæm svæði á líkamanum og ekki viljum við eiga hættuna á því að fá sýkingar og því er nauðsynlegt að þrífa tækin rétt og þrífa þau vel eftir hverja notkun.
En hvernig er best að þrífa tækin?
Við þrif skal nota mild, ilmefnalaus hreinsiefni eða sérstök kynlífstækja hreinsiefni til þess að þrífa tækin eftir hverja notkun.
Þú skalt varast það að nota spritt eða önnur fituleysandi efni/sápur til að þrífa tækin þar sem að hætta er á því að það skemmi tækin.
Þegar þú hefur lokið við það að þrífa tækið þitt er mikilvægt að þú komir því fyrir á hreinum stað.
Þú getur sótt pöntunina þína samdægurs á höfuðborgarsvæðinu!
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Söluturninn Póló
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Opnunartími á virkum dögum: 09:00 - 23:00
Opnunartími á Laugardögum: 10:00 - 23:00
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Starengi 2, 112 Reykjavík
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Lágmarksupphæð pöntunar: 3.000kr
Opnunartími á virkum dögum: 09:00 - 23:00
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Reykjavíkurvegur 72, 220 Hafnarfjörður
Söluturninn Póló
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Lágmarksupphæð pöntunar: 3.000kr
Opnunartími á virkum dögum: 09:00 - 23:00
Opnunartími á Laugardögum: 10:00 - 23:00
Opnunartími á Sunnudögum: 11:00 - 23:00
Smelltu hér fyrir leiðarvísi með Google Maps
Hamraborg 14a, 200 Kópavogur
Söluturninn Póló
Verð: 0kr
Lágmarksupphæð pöntunar: 3.000kr
Opnunartími á virkum dögum: 09:00 - 23:00
Opnunartími á Laugardögum: 10:00 - 23:00
Opnunartími á Sunnudögum: 11:00 - 23:00